Earlier today right after I went out from work, I went to my dental appointment. It's all because I broke my partial denture 2 weeks ago and need a new replacement...
But with my great surprice! Hollahohhh! it cost me $4254!!! Holy cow! I couldn't believe how expensive dental care and accesories here. The only thing I felt is I wanna go back to the Philippines and get my teeth fixed and done there.
In that amount, it includes the root canals, filling, cleaning and denture, ala eh kung sa Pinas yun, it wont cost that much, and it most probably gold denture na. Hehehe.
So to sum it up, I wish I took care of my teeth when I was young. It's really a big regret. But what can I do, I came from a poor family and can't afford to have a good dental care. So here I come what price I've got? Syempre, suffer the consequences. I'm just to lucky I got a good job that'll suffice all that expenses.
Mount Marty University, Sioux Falls - CRNA 2025
Awh! I wish you the best interview too! 😃
4 months ago
Hello there.. You're absolutely right.. We shared the same sentiments about dental care hehehe.. Am planning to have mine replace next year when we visit.. Tagabicol ka ba, i saw your message to Fe.. Bicolana man ako hehehe.. Visit me sometimes!
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